The purpose

Dark web monitoring involves systematically scouring and monitoring the dark web to detect any leaked or compromised data belonging to your organization. We leverage the CyberSixgill dark web intelligence platorm, which acts as a specialized search engine that is geared toward locating your sensitive information within the hidden recesses of the dark web. These tools are designed to uncover compromised assets such as infected computer systems, exposed credentials, proprietary information, and more, which may be traded or sold amongst cybercriminals throughout the digital underground.

Dark web surveillance tools provide enhanced threat identification capabilities. It works retroactively and proactively to identify both individual and enterprise risks, including login details, confidential business information, physical security info, and intellectual property.

Key Features

CyberSentience provide a fully managed dark web monitoring service. This begins with technology selection and tailored platform configuration, and continues through to alert investigation and triage. We pride ourselves on offering a low noise, high value offering that maximises threat idenfication opportunities while minimising the overhead for your security team.

Intelligent Threat Analysis:

Experienced analysts undertake comprehensive threat investigations that seek to understand the true nature of a threat, and perform root cause analysis.

Proactive Threat Hunting:

Specialised threat hunting methodologies are employed, where we scour the dark web for concealed threats that may impact your business.

Swift Incident Management:

The gathered intelligence and analysis from our team can be leveraged to rapidly remediate security threats. We work alongside your team to keep your business safe, often acting on behalf of our customers to resolve sensitive security issues.

Security Stack Integration:

Intelligence and remediation information can be channelled into other security platforms to seemlessly augment your SecOps workflows, using the technology you are familiar with.

The Function

  • Dark web surveillance actively scans ever-increasing number of dark web platforms in near-real-time to gather crucial data. It looks for both specific identifiers for your company like your business name or domain names, as well as more general identifiers such as industry vertical and geolocation. 

  • If a potential threat is identified, CyberSentience will work to remediate the threat, and can inform not just your security team but also other relevant departments within the organization, such as legal, human resources, marketing, or anti-fraud units.


Active dark web monitoring minimizes the window of opportunity for cybercriminals to exploit your sensitive data. By identifying and acting on these exposures promptly, we can prevent additional data leakage and deny threat actors the ability to escalate their attack.

Such monitoring provides valuable insights into how the breach occurred, helping you take proactive security measures that will fortify your organisation against criminals after every event.

Why Opt in?

The dark web is more than just a marketplace for compromised credentials; it’s also a hotbed of activity that could signal an impending or ongoing attack against your business. This could even extend to threats associated with your supply chain partners. Dark web monitoring acts as an early warning system in your overall cybersecurity strategy.

It doesn’t just alert you about data breaches but also helps identify risks from unverified sources. These alerts can be tied to other threat indicators, speeding up the threat profiling and mitigation process.

Risks Uncovered through Dark Web Monitoring:

  • Breaches involving third parties.
  • Data leaks on criminal forums
  • Peer-to-peer leaks
  • Unintentional data exposure
  • Brand abuse
  • Identity spoofing
  • Fake domains
  • Emerging threats

Attackers increasingly sell personal data on the dark web, often circumventing malware detection by using stolen credentials and other “stealth” methods. According to recent data, 62% of such attacks are malware-free.

Common Data Theft Techniques:

  • Phishing: Fraudulent emails posing as legitimate requests to capture sensitive data.
  • Malware and Botnets: Different malware types are used to gradually leak confidential data.
  • Insecure Connections: Nearby attackers can capture data if you're using an insecure network.
  • Software Flaws: Exploits targeting software vulnerabilities can grant unauthorized access.
  • Keylogging: Records your keystrokes to capture data.
  • Screen Scraping: Duplicates information displayed on your screen.

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